How to know if it is a good day to join the in-person service?
Please join, unless:
- You have tested positive for Covid within the last 14 days
- You have been around anyone who has tested positive for Covid
- You are feeling sick at all
- You have a fever of 101.4 or above
- You are experiencing any of these symptoms:
o Loss of taste or smell
o Fever or chills
o Cough
o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
o Sore throat
o Diarrhea
o Nausea or vomiting
Otherwise, please join our Facebook Livestream, or check out posted services on the website:
More details at MountainviewNEPA.Org
Given the new CDC guidelines
and the fact that as of 5/23/21 75% of Mountainview Attendees have been vaccinated,
Masks are now Optional
Other safety measures we are taking…
- Large volume air circulation
- Hepa air-filtration
- UV Light Air Scrubber added to HVAC Systems
- Frequent deep-cleaning