Baptisms for Easter -
Traditionally we offer the opportunity to be baptized on Easter Sunday.
Please contact Pastor Brook if you would like to talk through this as a possibility!
Women’s Facebook Bible Study -
The next women’s Facebook study will start THIS Sunday, March 6!
This will be a 4 week study on the book of John. The book of John is foundational to our faith in Christ, so join us and experience the way God reveals himself to each of us in a personal way through his word. The Facebook format is set up so that you can respond to the study questions at whatever time of day works for your schedule. If you are interested in joining, contact Michele Glassic through:
phone/ text: 570-479-0241
Facebook: Michele Rene
Together Family Conference -
At Mountainview we are one family, made up of individuals and families. And growing our families and family together is a high priority. Families follow Jesus together.
As a church, we have committed to send our families to the Together Family Conference
July 31st - August 2, 2022 at Kalahari Resorts.
Visit: for more info.
Scholarships (up to half of the cost of the conference) will be available
On 4th Sundays during the service the CLIFF group is meeting. Bring a friend!
The CLIFF group is a youth group for 6th-12th grade.
C: Courage
L: Lasting
I: Inspire
F: Faithful
F: Fellowship
CLICK HERE to watch the video!
New hearing devices.
The church now has hearing devices available!! Please see someone in the sound booth to pick up a hearing device if you are in need.
Devotional Swap 2022 -
Do you have a Devotional you finished for the year? How about passing it on?
If you have one you would like to pass on, please add your name and the year to the inside cover, this way we can see history unfold through the years. Bring the devotional to church and please leave it downstairs on the table near the back door. Be sure to take one as well!
If you know someone at the church who you think your Devotional would be helpful to just give it to them directly.
This is a great way to support and encourage each other in our walk with knowing God better in 2022.
Friendship Journey (all women) -
Women’s Bible Study and Brunch!
This is a time of fellowship, food, study, praise, prayer and support of each other in our walk with God!
Saturday Mornings 9:30 AM
At the Johnsons' house!
Zoom meeting is also available. Please call Marybeth 570-982-4332 for the link or address.
Operation Christmas Child -
After a brief break,our Operation Christmas Child collection is starting again!
Requested donations for February are:
Bars of soap, washcloths, toothbrushes, toothbrush holders, deodorant.
Donations can be dropped off in the foyer.or please Contact Deb Herr 570-239-1318.
Giving, Sharing, Needing -
Every once in a while we have someone that mentions they have ___if someone is looking for ___; or they are looking for ___ if someone is looking to get rid of ___. Could be clothing, furniture, extra food etc... In Acts, no one was in need because they were a community of believers taking care of each other. Let’s start here! If you have something to share or give or you or someone you know is in need of something, we are creating a new section in our announcement email to do just that. The contact for this will be Dawn Wallace 570-762-2092 or (When emailing Dawn, please include “Needs or sharing” in the subject line.) Names and information will be kept anonymous if desired and on Fridays the information for Needs or Sharing will be listed. “There were no needy people among them” Acts 4:34
Our Prayers and Support are needed -
A little girl- Jocelyn, in our community, was recently diagnosed with DIPG, a highly aggressive brain tumor. Let’s join together in prayer for this beautiful young girl and her family.
If you feel led to support Jocelyn’s family, please click on The Go Fund Me Link here.
"Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
This is the list we made as a church on what we will pray for together.
Pray for those we don’t want to pray for
Pray for Courage - in spite of retaliation
Not afraid to speak about Jesus
Pray the dangerous prayer: Here I am, use me
Pray for God’s Provision - what he wants me to have
Ask God to help us come alongside others in long-term God-centered friendships
Pray for Families with unspoken hurts
Pray for Unity among denominations
Fellow churches, not pulled apart
All believers to be of one heart and mind
Pray that we might bring people to reconciled relationships by bringing in the harvest
Pray for our World, Nation, States, and Region
Pray for More Believers – revival
Ask God to break through the barrier of “It’s never been done that way before” so people can come to salvation
Pray that we be vessels
Pray that we will see Churches, Families, Groups, and Disciples multiply
Let God lead and shame not hold us back
Pray for kids in the hospital
Ask God, “What is MY prayer to pray?
Be led by God’s Spirit
Did you miss the service this week?
Did you know that each Sunday's service is posted on Facebook and each of the sermons are posted on the website? The sermon audio recording is posted by Monday evening the video is usually posted by Tuesday morning. If you have to miss the service for some reason, check it out so you are in the loop.
Tithe By Text -
Did you know it is possible to Tithe by Text? Just text 570-600-1225 and follow the instructions texted back.
There is a 3% charge for this service, please consider this in your giving, and help save the church the fee! Thank you!